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Everything posted by lmchatton

  1. Also, using tags and metadata might be fine for some people or organizations that are built for that or have people around to explain how to use them with real world examples. The rest of are stuck having to deal with people and companies who really don't know these things and couldn't care less about metadata. I used to love Evernote years ago when it first came out because it seemed like the perfect place to store my notes. However, the past few years have shown that Evernote cares a lot more for businesses who can afford to be charged $15/mo/user than it does for the average citizen. I try to run certain parts of my family life like a business so we can all get what we need and want and make things as easy and efficient as possible but, as a family, we certainly don't get paid like businesses do. It's a shame that good things end up being out of reach.
  2. Please make stacks shareable. Everyone is already used to the tried and true folder/file structure and Evernote should work the same way. I really don't understand why stacks aren't just folders or why we can't have subfolders/subfolders/subfolders under stacks. It's very limiting. Especially so when I want to share a stack. I started a stack for the car I got for my daughter, called "1994 ES 300". Under that, I have notebooks names ES 300 Info, ES 300 Service, ES 300 Parts, etc. But now that I want to share her car stack with her, I have to individually share each notebook instead of simply sharing the stack. It's cumbersome and doesn't need to be.
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