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Everything posted by betsy50

  1. @PinkElephant and @agsteele, you have both been very responsive and I appreciate that. I love(d) Evernote and I hate change, so I am just having a difficult time making the transition. I used local notebooks extensively and will miss those. I will stick with Evernote as it evolves through its growing pains, but I really, really did love the way it worked before.
  2. I installed the legacy version of Evernote and everything works the way it's supposed to. Printing is perfect. I even recovered some missing notes!!!! So, tell me, am I supposed to run both programs to have the functionality I've come to count on? This is crazy!!!
  3. 10.17.6-win-ddl-public (2775) Editor: v126.2.16348 Service: v1.37.8 With the note highlighted in the note list, I select Note from the top menu, print note. Then I select my preferences for my printer like I always did and no matter how many different ways I try to print it, I get the scroll bar printed alongside the note. I've attached a sample printed to PDF. sample printout.pdf
  4. Every note I print includes the scroll bar at the right side of the screen. Is this a known bug? Is there a way to avoid it happeninmg?
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