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Posts posted by Goes_to_11

  1. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    My question is how it gets from the Windows computer to the NAS ? Either some program is pushing it from the PC to the NAS, or something on the NAS approaches the PC and pull it. What brand of NAS are you using ?

    The NAS is a Synology. There is a Synology app that allows me to choose which files will be backed up to the NAS. Screenshot attached.

    1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    About your estimate: This means both PC and NAS never sleep. Which is unusual. Normally a PC will shut down through the energy manager, and a NAS will probably try to do the same. Unless it is disabled, which is not a good idea.

    The PC is set to sleep never. The NAS's HDDs are set to hibernate at 20 min. I checked the history of the cloud sync and it indeed shows the EXB file being synced every five minutes, 24 hours a day on the three random days I sampled.


  2. 13 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Do you have a Backup program running on the client, or does the NAS pull a copy of the EXB file ?

    To me this sounds like a sort of syncing process, that reacts to any change of the file with syncing it again and again. Maybe EN just writes a time stamp every time it updated the local database from the server (even if nothing was transferred).

    If I'm understanding your question (due to my lack of tech understanding, not any fault of your communication), the NAS syncs to its cloud storage any time a file changes. According to Windows Explorer, the EXB file's time is updated every five minutes (and a few seconds) without any input from me.

    I've had this setup for at least one year and haven't had this issue until about three or four months ago. That three or four months estimate is based on 29,000 (file versions on the cloud) X 5 minutes = ~145,000 = 94 days. I do not know exactly when the issue began.

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