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Everything posted by Alia

  1. Does anyone have tips for backing up with a basic account? Would exporting a copy of the note I'm concerned about upon finishing a round of edits suffice? I access Evernote on two platforms: Mac (my laptop) and Android (my phone). The note I'm worried about is a weekly work log shared with three other users. We were using Google Sheets for our logging without a hitch, but when two users moved to China, we needed a platform that could be accessed without relying on a VPN. For several weeks, one of these users in China (who is usually using a VPN) and I were using the log without any trouble. But when our other colleague (who is either using no VPN or an unreliable one) in China joined us, content started vanishing. Swathes of content from multiple users disappear regularly, much to everyone's chagrin. I suspect this is a syncing issue of some kind, but this is difficult for me to track and none of us can afford the Premium version. Frankly, I'm not terribly tempted to pay for a platform that lets my data disappear so consistently.
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