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Everything posted by mismille

  1. jefito, Many thanks...this works perfectly and will speed up my morning routine tremendously.
  2. Within the Windows desktop application, I'm looking for an easy way to hit a command/button to create multiple notes that then are inserted into multiple notebooks. Does anyone have any suggestions on how this might be accomplished? More specifically, I would like to create 4 notes at the beginning of each day so that it has the current date and that have a title formatted as listed below and placed each in their corresponding notebooks: Title = "YYYY-MM-DD - Work - Journal" / Notebook = "Work - Journal" Title = "YYYY-MM-DD - Work - To Do" / Notebook = "Work - TO DO" Title = "YYYY-MM-DD - Personal - Journal" / Notebook = "Personal - Journal" Title = "YYYY-MM-DD - Personal - To Do" / Notebook = "Personal - TO DO" The body would initially be set to be blank. Thanks
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