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Posts posted by Akilan_G

  1. Hi all, 

    I can only able to encrypt few texts inside EN. Apparently, the newer version of EN does not allowing me to encrypt more words (not even 100 words). Remembering the previous versions, I use to encrypt lots of words inside a note and it is sill encrypted now. But not able encrypt more words in the newer version. Any of them experiencing the same?  

  2. Hi all, 

    I share a lot of notes with my friends, families, professors, my Linked In networks, and so on. I was enjoying how convenient to share notes with a lot of people with ease until I realized how messy it got into. 

    First, I continue to work on a few of my notes which I have already shared with others. The issue is when I revise my second version of my notes, I don't want others to see my updated notes. Yes, apparently I can see the share status of the notes when I write but when I have hundreds of notes which is shared, I am out of track. 

    So, I request a feature where we can set an expiry date and time for the link which we are sharing. 

    Furthermore, I would like to know how you people are managing the shared notes.  

    Thank you 

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