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  1. On my Samsung Galaxy S9 +, I experienced in the summer of 2020 that large notes suddenly from one day to the next became very slow to start editing. Small notes work fine, but large notes that I use for diary and the like can take 45 sec. to open for editing. But it is quick to open for view. I was hoping it was a bug that was automatically fixed, but now it has lasted at least 4 months. Is there anything I can do. It's very frustrating to edit large notes ?
  2. Older Evernote versions: I have found earlier versions of Evernote on the link below but not yet found out how to install them. Scroll down to see them. https://androidapksfree.com/evernote/com-evernote/
  3. Security Team× New Forum Feature Update: Best Answer× New Evernote Beta Forum Section!× Evernote for Android 3 Search not working. By johnfrew2104, Sunday at 10:12 AM in Evernote for Android REPLY TO THIS TOPIC johnfrew2104 0 Posted Sunday at 10:12 AM I have the current beta installed on my mobile and the search function has stopped working. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and still nothing. When I start a search it looks like it is trying but nothing comes back. Huawei P20 Pro. Quote EdH 1,542 Posted Sunday at 03:18 PM Does your search work ok if you log into Evernote on your PC/Mac via the web? Quote johnfrew2104 0 Posted Sunday at 03:52 PM Have not tried but I need it to work on the phone. Quote CalS 3,524 Posted Sunday at 04:01 PM What’s the search? Quote EdH 1,542 Posted Sunday at 04:11 PM I understand that, but I am trying to see if your search index is totally messed up, or if it is just on your phone. Quote John in Michigan USA 20 Posted Sunday at 10:19 PM This sounds like it could be related to ticket #2804215 that I opened Mar 22, 22:14 PDT. Quoted below is what I put in the ticket, except for the link to my activity log. Pixel 2 XL, Android 9, EN for Android 8.9. I didn't post here until now because I wanted to give support a chance to fix or at least respond to this very serious and embarrassing failure before making it public, but as of now, I've gotten no response. I am a premium user. Time permitting, I will re-install Evernote on my old tablet and see if the problem is there too. I am disgruntled. Quote John in Michigan USA 20 Posted Monday at 03:21 AM Update: I re-installed on my NVIDIA Shield K1 (Android 7; EN Android app 8.8.1) and saved searches are working fine. But, they are still badly broken on the Pixel as per the ticket I opened. EN support is supposed to be open Sunday (for chat, at least) but apparently they don't check email, as I haven't heard a thing from them. Quote fabienli 1 Posted Monday at 02:19 PM Same issue with my Note9, I updated the Evernote Android app this weekend, and I can't search anymore. 1 Quote todami2 0 Posted yesterday at 03:23 AM I have the same problem with my Huawei P20. Evernote version of 8.9_beta3. Quote Bielefeldt 1 Posted 19 hours ago The problems with searching for notes have started for approx. a week ago. With over 4000 notes, I am completely dependent on the search function and use it many times daily. But now search does not work even if it looks like it is working. There are no results. My device is an Android Samsung Galaxy S6. Evernote ver. 8.9 Hope for a quick solution. Quote Edit Options Mirtma65 40 Posted 18 hours ago Also on Note9. When I start a search I get a blank screen and Sync started on the bottom left. After a while, I get a message that the application has crashed. Quote Dave-in-Decatur 770 Posted 14 hours ago Since this problem seems to apply to users of the beta version, I'd suggest adding your voices to the report on it in the beta forum: If it's a serious problem for you, it might be best to drop back from the 8.9 beta to the current released version, 8.8. Quote Bielefeldt 1 Posted 13 hours ago Solution: It's a little weird, but if my keyword starts with capital letter, then the search function works. It was a good discovery.
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