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Posts posted by RhinoG

  1. The main thing preventing myself and other developers I know from using Evernote is the lack of support for syntax highlighting. The developer community is a large target market, and worth the cost of implementing this feature. I am aware that there are some third party tools that help accomplish this, but from what I have seen, they are not very good. What's interesting (observation, not a criticism), is there is syntax highlighting built into this forum editor but not the Evernote product.

    Forum Syntax Highlighting:

    const hello = 'there'

    Product Code Block but no syntax highlighting:


    This sounds trivial, but is the only reason I have heard why developers do not use Evernote. If I were the developer implementing this, I would estimate one week to implement and test this feature. 

    Here are about 25 ways to accomplish this either for free or in a cost effective manner: https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/25-syntax-highlighters-tried-and-tested--cms-23931 

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