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Everything posted by Hererdebert

  1. Thanks for your response CalS. It can't be to do with the pdf, this happens with all pdfs that I have tried and with different readers. Although, weirdly enough, it doesn't happen when I open the pdf in chrome. I'd still like to know if anyone has come across this issue and found a fix for it when using pdf readers (adobe, foxit etc)
  2. When I cut and paste from a pdf (independent of which reader I use), Evernote treats each line from the pdf as a separate line. This means that if I am using bullet points or numbering each line gets treated as a separate point (see attached). Is there any way to prevent this from happening? I have tried ctrl+alt+v and copying to notebook first. Neither helps. It basically makes evernote unusable for me. Any solution to this would be much appreciated.
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