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Posts posted by kvd171

  1. Bullet formatting is and has always been complete garbage for me in browser-based evernote.  Bulleted lists constantly break for me, especially when switching between my phone, desktop, and browser-based evernote.  The worst thing is that it's not even fixable -- once my bullets break, I sometimes can't even figure out how to unbreak them.  I trust Evernote with my important thoughts, and I end up hand-typing the notes out of Evernote to undo the formatting nightmare that it has unleashed upon my work.  I want to like Evernote, I really do.  I just don't know if anyone that works at Evernote uses it.  It's almost unusable, especially if I have any nesting of my bullets.  There's nothing like spending a week to prepare interview notes, then an hour before the interview, my complex, nested note becomes unreadable, unusable bullet soup -- then Evernote asks me to upgrade to a paid account!  At least it's good for a laugh.

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