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Posts posted by Weblogista

  1. Quite often I open a note on my Mac and it stays blank. In the right bottom corner it says "saving". After a minute or so the data appears. Why does this take so long? Is this burried into AWS Glacier storage that takes minutes to retrieve? Please explain!


    Why can't we have syncing for each and every note?

    This has to be optional of course, but how difficult is this? I have a premium account, I have ample room on my laptop and iphone, enough mobile data to download and upload all my notes montly. Why do we get this [insert 4-letter-word here] service? It's an actual downgrade from the legacy app.

    I've cancelled automatical renewal for my subscription, and will move to Obsidian or something else, despite the downsides that has.

    Version info: 10.57.10-mac-mas-public (459878) Editor: v169.1.20965

  2. I haven't read all these replies, but here I go...

    I hate the new app. Just downloaded the Legacy app and am using that now. Both can exist next to eachother, so that is good. The new version is just the web version in a shell, right? It's almost identical to the web version, the one that only runs properly in Chrome, not in Firefox.

    Now with this new version - WHY IS THERE NO LINUX APP YET??????

    I mean, if you go this way, then that should be peanuts not?

    I hate the ugglyness and sluggyness. When I create a new note, I see like 5 different windows being created, and then it's a miracle if I can type a new title and text, because often I need to restart to do that. The only improvement is search, because that didn't work at all in the old app on my Mac. If I needed search, I did that on the phone, added a space in the text so it moved up, then could proceed on the laptop.

    Lists on the phone have different checkboxes than in the mac version. They look different, behave different. If I select one line in a list and move it, the bullets are not recreated properly.

    V10 is a giant leap and many steps backwards. The giant leap seems to be: saving money by cutting down the dev team. I'm looking for alternatives. OneNote is not what I want. Joplin not really. What else is there?

  3. Searching for words inside notes returns zero result. At the same time the search suggestions do work. I click on a note and it has the word "education" in it. I type this word in the search bar, I see it appear in the suggestions while typing, and then all notes disappear. Tag-searching does work.

    Then this... I just wanted to test this with a unique word so I created a new note, put a word inside the note, then searched for it, and you know what? It worked?! I can find that last note doing a search for that word. Going back to "education" - empty list. Searching works on the phone, so if I can't trace back a note I can use the phone.

    Does anyone else have this problem? How can I fix it?

    I use the free edition, MacOS 10.14, last Evernote version, all updates.

  4. Thanks @PinkElephant! I checked that option and that works. Although this is very confusing...

    I checked the "Open note links from other applications in new window". I don't even know what this means in this regard. If it would say "open new notes in new window", then I understand, but then it should be left unchecked. How does this text relate to what I want? I really don't understand.


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