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Posts posted by EDem

  1. Can you add the feature where you can manually sort notes? I'm talking about dragging and dropping them in any order I want.

    Like PowerPoint, I should be able to grab notes in the "Card View", for example, and move them around at-will. Can you add a "Manual Sort" option? And you can also add a "Saved Custom Sort" option where you can name the way you sorted the notes. This would be great for writers like me! 


  2. I'm new to Evernote and I need to sort my notes manually, too. I guess it just can't be done without a lot of painful workarounds. I'll have to look elsewhere. I was thinking this would be a basic functionality of the so-called premier note program that E.V. is supposed to be. This lack surprises me, plus the fact that I can't change the background color of notes. Too bad. E.V. has all the crazy cool integration stuff but is missing some basic elements. Go figure 😕

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