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Hunter Wild

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Everything posted by Hunter Wild

  1. I found this thread while looking for an answer to the same issue, unsurprisingly. While I didn't find that answer, I tried testing a few things out myself. I fiddled with some Android settings to no avail, but then tweaked Evernote settings themselves and have gotten it to work! Admittedly, it's just working *today* and who knows about tomorrow or next week, or what happens after the next update. The general idea is to fiddle with Evernote settings rather than Android settings. In short, I had to (re)sync my Google account within Evernote (I disconnected and reconnected it), then "choose calendars" specifically in the Evernote calendar settings (at the bottom of the Evernote home page within the app is where you can find the calendar itself, which contains the settings options), and then close out of Evernote and reopen it (which I actually did a few times). I gave this a few test runs by setting note reminders for a couple minutes out from current time and it worked with every attempt. Again, who knows if this will revert back to not working next week, but at least I have a functional if annoying approach to fix it. I hope it works for y'all!
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