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Posts posted by Everlast24

  1. On 10/30/2020 at 5:40 PM, Everlast24 said:

    Yes, apologies I realised I need to elaborate a bit more on this.

    Apple notes do not have a designated title field. I understand this code picks Apple's title (first paragraph) and turns it into an Evernote title. 

    The issue is Apple's first paragraph not appearing anywhere else. This becomes a problem when that paragraph is too long and gets truncated as an Evernote title.  So I wonder if it is possible to include that first paragraph also in Evernote's body of text?

    Apologies, if it still sounds confusing.

    @DTLowany suggestions how I could include the first paragraph also in the body of the text?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. 19 minutes ago, DTLow said:

    You're using a script that copies the note title from Apple Notes title
    Why do you "understand Evernote uses the first paragraph as the title and then excludes that from the body?"

    Yes, apologies I realised I need to elaborate a bit more on this.

    Apple notes do not have a designated title field. I understand this code picks Apple's title (first paragraph) and turns it into an Evernote title. 

    The issue is Apple's first paragraph not appearing anywhere else. This becomes a problem when that paragraph is too long and gets truncated as an Evernote title.  So I wonder if it is possible to include that first paragraph also in Evernote's body of text?

    Apologies, if it still sounds confusing.

  3. 6 hours ago, DTLow said:

    What method are you using to  move your notes to Evernote?


    Thanks DTLow. I have used the below version


    tell application "Notes"
      set theMessages to every note
      repeat with thisMessage in theMessages
        set myTitle to the name of thisMessage
        set myText to the body of thisMessage
        set myCreateDate to the creation date of thisMessage
        set myModDate to the modification date of thisMessage
        tell application "Evernote"
          set myNote to create note with text myTitle title myTitle notebook "Imported Notes" tags ["imported_from_notes", "Mavericks", "Another_Example_Tag"]
          set the HTML content of myNote to myText
          set the creation date of myNote to myCreateDate
          set the modification date of myNote to myModDate -- BUG FIX
        end tell
      end repeat
    end tell
  4. Hi All, is there a way to include the name of the note as a body in Evernote? I understand Evernote uses the first paragraph as the title and then excludes that from the body?

    I have some Apple notes such as below where the first paragraph is quite long. Picture 1




    When this is moved to Evernote - only the first 15 words or so appear in Evernote title and the body of the note is empty Picture 2


    I am okay with the title being truncated. I just need for the first paragraph to appear in the body in Evernote too. Many thanks in advance.



  5. Hello everyone,

    The above code works brilliantly to transfer all my notes (thanks a lot!!).

    However, I can't manage to transfer the titles.

    Anything more than 70-80 characters gets truncated. Hence, the first paragraph from IoS notes is being lost.

    First paragraph In IOS - "Volatility spread, maturity price matrix. They are using pd matrix for maximum 3-4 dimensions. For anything bigger than that Monte-Carlo simulation is used. "

    Title in Evernote - "Volatility spread, maturity price matrix. They are using pd matrix…"

    The second part of the above sentence does not appear anywhere in Evernote.

    is it possible to transfer the ios note title into the body of the evernote note and rename the note by the date created?

    Many thanks in advance.

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