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  1. You can link to headings in the Windows version, by hovering the mouse pointer over the heading and clicking the link button that pops up. This then creates a messy looking link that can be pasted elsewhere in the note or any other note. The link starts: evernote://view/…. Hover over this link and you get the option to edit the text so it makes more sense to the reader. A bit clunky, but does work. The link works when viewing the note on an Android device, so presumably also works on other versions.
  2. It can't be hard to build in a comprehensive colour picker. I use colour in my notes and the default selection does not match the colours that I was able to use several years ago. Each monthly update brings new features, but rarely anything I need, but I do need a better colour picker. To use my preferred colours, I have to go to an old note, select a couple of characters in my preferred colour and style, paste them into a new note, then in-between these two characters paste the new content hoping that the colour will be picked up and also remembering to delete the two characters. Not an efficient way of working.
  3. Its April 2024 and the colour picker is still an issue. Why can't we have a colour picker that allows us to use many colours or maybe hex or RGB values? Pasting coloured text from old notes/Word doesn't always work when you try to edit the pasted text especially if you are also pasting in text in to that from another source that you wish to have in the chosen colour/format. I colour code SQL statements, Command lines, code and so on, each has their own colour, none of which are available in the current colour picker!
  4. There should be a setting to allow the sidebar background color to be dark and the note to use a light background color as in: 'When in dark mode, you can use a light-colored note editor if you prefer. In Evernote, go to Evernote > Preferences from the menu bar and check the box for "Use Light Mode for notes'. However, this doesn't appear to be there anymore. Has this feature been removed and if so, why?
  5. Five years since the first request and still waiting! I shouldn't have to paste into a competitor's product, do the highlighting then copy and paste it back into Evernote! Case scenarios: A traffic light system for the progress of work. A system to prioritise a list. A list of features for software: green for included, yellow for requested, red for no flippin’ chance. What colour would we have for this request?
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