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Everything posted by mooose

  1. What are you even talking about? Nobody is asking them to give it away for free. Legacy already exists. I'm already paying for a subscription. They gain nothing by removing Legacy. It costs them nothing to leave Legacy exactly how it is. They have hidden the download page and keep saying it will eventually stop working. Explain to me why they should force users into the new version. They dont have to patch it or maintain it. Just leave it alone. An OS eventually moving onward to the point that it has to be run in compatibility mode doesnt make a difference. That doesnt give them a reason to hide it or force users to use the new version.
  2. I use tables so I can have 2 columns in my notes. I often select lines of text by triple clicking. This doesnt work in the latest Evernote. Tables as a whole behave differently. I dont know how many times I've accidentally selected an entire table and deleted it. Legacy is better for my use case. I, too, am on this thread after angrily having to search for the software I actually want. Have been using Legacy since it was dubbed "legacy" and today I turn on my PC to find its gone. Come on. It costs you literally nothing to let people use Legacy. Nothing. Just leave it there for people who prefer it.
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