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About AsaH

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  1. I use "code blocks" extensively for code snippets, CLI steps, etc... and this behaviour makes the process really painful. I have taken to copying things into BBEDIT, making the changes, and copying it back into evernote... and this takes less time that removing carriage returns. In MANY situations, the carriage returns are not invisible to the language or platform where the code blocks will be used. I find that it adds a newline before the copied text and after the copied text. I don't understand the logic behind the choice.
  2. You ask a very valid question! Perhaps it is partly on principle. I would prefer to say "thanks but no thanks" to anything that is optional. It is annoying when any company makes you do something that you do not want to do to complete a setup. Apple does this all the time, and it is annoying. And yes, I know that many people use and love web clipper, just like many people love "siri" and "location services" -- awesome! But I would like a simple option to dismiss a panel, permanently, that does not require me to install or uninstall anything. This is why I asked "without installing Web Clipper?" I appreciate your response, and ultimately, I will probably follow the instructions. I was just hoping for another answer.
  3. I continue to get the message in my side panel: (90%) You’ve almost completed your Evernote setup! Install Web Clipper on your browser and clip a web page to complete the setup. [Try Web Clipper] I click on the Try Web Clipper button, and the message disappears, but then reappears, because apparently clicking on the button does not disable the advertisement permanently. How do I get rid of this nag without installing Web Clipper?
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