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Advait C

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  1. The EN support people fixed the issue. Now I can go to my EN Settings without having to use my Google password. Now I can use my EN password. Many thanks to the EN Support team!
  2. Hi. I have never used my Google credentials to log into EN. I have only ever used my gmail address and my EN password to log into EN. The issue is after I log into EN and I want to go to my EN account settings. Then it only gives me the option to validate my email using my google credentials (see the pics earlier). And (this is the most important part) then it says "To continue, google will share your name, email address, etc. with Evernote." There is no option to use my EN credentials to view and edit my EN account settings. The pics earlier in this thread appear after I've already logged into EN using my EN password. So remember, I can log into EN with my EN credentials. No problem there. But, after logging in, the only option I'm given to edit my EN account settings is to use my google credentials AND agree to share Google data with EN. I do not want to share my google data with EN. How to fix this issue? Let me know if I did not explain the issue clearly. Thanks.
  3. As I mentioned, I'm almost certain I've never used my Google password to sign into my EN account. I'm very careful about this. And I've never used my Google password to access my EN account settings. And there is no other option offered other than "Sign In With Google". That's the only option. Where is the option to access my account settings using my EN password? I don't see it. How can I find it? You know where that option is? Can you take a screenshot and show me? If somehow I used Google to sign in (which I don't think I've ever done), how can I remove that Google sign in option? And go back to using my EN password? Below is a screenshot of the whole screen. Do you see an option to use something besides Google password to sign in?. .
  4. No, I have never knowingly used "Login with Google" with EN. I've always used my Gmail address, but I have only ever logged into EN using my gmail address and my EN password. Now it is forcing me to use my Google password and give EN access to my Google personal info. See attached screenshot. I can log into EN using my gmail address and my EN password. BUT, it won't let me change my EN account settings unless I enter my GOOGLE password and agree to give personal info. How to fix this? Is there anyway I can contact, call or chat with EN customer support? If I am FORCED to accept Google sharing my info with EN, can I turn this sharing back off after I'm FORCED to turn it on? Why do I have to verify my Google password to change my EN account settings? Why is my EN password not good enough?
  5. The notice says "To continue, Google will share your name, email address, language preference, and profile picture with Evernote. Before using this app, you can review Evernote’s privacy policy and terms of service." So is this the *only* info that Evernote will get from Google? Or will Evernote also get other bits of my personal info from Google?
  6. I want to update my Evernote password but it looks like Evernote won't let me do it unless I give it access to my Google account info. Is there a way to update my Evernote password without giving Evernote access to my Google account info? If Evernote is forcing me to give them access to my Google info, is there a way to turn off that access? Can I ask Google to block Evernote's access to my Google info?
  7. Allow for checking and unchecking (completing and uncompleting) multiple tasks at one time. (I'm referring to Tasks, not checkboxes, although the same feature for checkboxes would be nice).
  8. Was afraid of that. Sigh. Definitely won't be using the EN tasks feature. Hope the EN team fixes this soon.
  9. I'm using the Evernote app in Android 13. How do I uncheck (uncomplete) multiple tasks at once? (Not square green checkboxes, but purple round tasks).
  10. Why is my Billing screen empty? How to fix this? I'm using Evernote Personal.
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