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Posts posted by MJ17

  1. Hello, I exported all my notes to HTML but now I need to organize them. Unfortunately Evernote does not put a date and time stamp in the note nor do they include which notepad the note came from. This is very unfortunate and, if you ask me, a major oversight. At any rate, I'm wondering if there's anyway I could somehow merge all of the HTML documents into one single PDF or Word document and, as a bonus, maybe even have them chaptered by notebook name? (That is, assuming the notebook name is in the meta-data)? I looked at the source code for the HTML file and I don't see a notepad name, although I do see a notepad ID number. Not sure how I could ever correlate that with the original notepad name? So frustrating. At any rate, I would be grateful for your solution ideas. Thank you kindly

  2. Yes evernote is callous towards the user base. There is definitely an elitist attitude in the company and they don’t take user feedback seriously. Recently some hacker was able to log into my Evernote account because I did not have two factor authentication enabled. Can you believe that? Can you imagine my bank allowing someone with an unrecognized device to log into my bank account from a foreign country? When I presented that analogy to Evernote they basically just turned their nose up at me. I guess they don’t consider our notes to be as valuable as currency. Pathetic. Just one small example of the callousness. And don’t even get me started on this new user interface “update.” It is a complete joke and a mess and has complicated my life greatly. It’s really a shame because Evernote used to be my favorite app by far. But they are just bound determined to run it into the ground. Funny, I have over 20 years experience as a software project manager, product manager, and user interface architect. I have offered my services and consultation to Evernote for free and they have declined. They think they know better than everyone else. Even as their product continues to decline and their user base criticizes them. Unbelievable pride. Oh well. Peace out As soon as I can get my archive downloaded. By the way, company callousness starts at the top. What you are seeing is the attitude of the senior executives at evernote. Execs create that kind of culture of the company when power goes to their head. It always starts at the top.

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  3. This morning I received an email from Evernote alerting me that someone in India had logged into my Evernote account. I had to do a double take because at first I assumed Evernote had BLOCKED the attempted login with the new device; but no, to my utter horror Evernote had ALLOWED the login, and it had been 20 minutes since the login and the time I saw the email. That 20 minutes of course gave the hacker plenty of time to access my sensitive notes and download them. I am shocked and angry Evernote allowed this hacker to login to my account without any challenge. Doesn’t Evernote care more about my data than allowing unrecognized devices from foreign countries to wall right in the door without a challenge?

    As a rule Evernote should block login attempts from foreign countries—or at the very least always always require a passcode be entered if a new device is being used. This is not something that the end-user should have to manually set with two factor security; it should just be the default security protocol, just like banks and other financial institutions use: nee device? Enter passcode sent by text or email. Period end of story. 

    And yes, I changed password, revoked access, and enable two factor security after this burglary, but the point is I shouldn’t have had to! It should be automatic! How many Evernote users right now do not have two factory security enabled and are thus vulnerable to the same exact attack I was hit with? I bet you there are tens of thousands, and all of them are sitting ducks just like I was. My bank would never allow this to happen and Evernote shouldn’t either. I don’t even want to debate this with anyone. 

    This security update (mandating two factor any time a new device is used whether user has enabled or not) should be a TOP PRIORITY change that should go into the next release. If it isn’t I’m canceling my premium account.  

    -Long time Evernote user speaking on behalf of thousands of Evernote users who are right now vulnerable to attack and don’t even know it. 


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