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Everything posted by RyanNotes

  1. Funny how the Moderators wont Approve Posts around here either. I guess thats what we have come to expect from Evernote. Canceling Sub and moving to something new. Bye Felicia!
  2. DTL - Here's the issue and one I am currently Fuming over. Evernote has done a poor (very poor) job of coding their app and its PW feature. Ever noticed you can click in the blank screen with your password button ("••••••") and actually type into that space? Its not locked out in any way. ( Reminds me of some half-assed open source coding by some high-schoolers). When you click on the PW image, you then get you pop-up to enter in your PW and get entry into your note. HOWEVER, if your curser is sitting in that blank screen and you hit backspace or delete, the password button ("••••••") disappears. This actually deletes the entire notes contents and removes PW protection for said note! AND NO, its not in the trash, its magically gone and no way to "undo"! I have a sneaking suspicion this is intentional, to get force people to sign up to get access to even contact anybody at EVERNOTE, or recover the note "History", to reinstate it. With a password protected note, there should be no way in the world to edit or delete anything on that note without first properly entering in your password and gaining access to that notes content. EVERNOTE - YOU NEED A SOLUTION! I have already had to upgrade to premium once, to recover very important information. I downgraded again due to the fact that I utilize Evernote for only 2 notes (1 of which is important and PW protected) and do not need all of the other features that are offered. HOW DO WE GET SOME SUPPORT AROUND HERE? It doesn't matter if you are a Free or Premium account, this glitch is an issue and should be addressed. Now, time to go fork out $ for premium membership again. Be weary if you are working on multiple monitors. I was trying to access Evernote in 1 screen while working on content in another, (as I jump around to several virtual screens and work stations all day long), and while I thought I was working in one program I hit delete. Turns out, I had clicked on Evernote to enter in my PW, but (another glitch) the PW popup hid itself behind the program (which it does about 80% of the time) and I had to go back to my other screen to continue editing something. "Delete" and boom, NOTE TERMINATED! Now that I ponder this, I think its time for another PW protected note service that isn't shady, with 0 support.
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