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Everything posted by wtcipher

  1. Evernote is becoming nasty and nasty... which alternative, free option do we have? How can we export Evernote notes to other apps?
  2. Every week when I opened evernote app it will asks permission for upgrade to newer version. Why? Do you really need to update the app so often? If the update is to fix bugs, can't Evernote's tech team be more responsible for their coding and having less bugs? This is so, so annoying! Everytime when I update the app, I will need to find where the new note button is located at. Also, it takes me long to find the search button. Can't evernote team design the app in a nice and clean style, with fixed appearance and improved editing experiences? I just cannot believe with so many iterations of upgrade Evernote still couldn't fix some long-term issues such as font size/color/indent, etc. So disappointed at Evernote team!
  3. same problem here. Tried a bunch of different approaches, but none of them works. Have to switch to be web version, but Evernote, your web version sucks! That is so hard to use. Can't you just make them EXACTLY THE SAME as the app version? You are creating unnecessary troubles for your customer.
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