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About Kevin@W

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  1. "So better explain why it would create value, both for users and the developer. Good luck !" I gave two quick examples in my request, one of which was echoed by others requesting the same feature. Put simply, the ability to prevent problems is much more valuable than the ability fix problems you may be lucky enough to find. Why would it create value for the developer? Because if it were included in a higher-priced tier, I would have upgraded to get the functionality. And no, you should not add every requested feature. But you should definitely seek to discover the unaddressed needs being expressed by your customers. Telling them, "you don't really want that", or "you can get some of what you want if you use some functionality not designed for what you're trying to do" isn't understanding your customer base. It's talking down to them.
  2. I must say that as a decade-long user and first-time submitter of an improvement idea, with the response basically being, "a lot of people have been asking for that for a long time without it happening," that it doesn't make me want to submit more ideas. It also makes me wonder, for the very first time, whether there are other options to consider in the marketplace. I do appreciate you letting me know, however, and not just leaving me hopeful yet continually disappointed that this might be coming soon. In short, points to the PinkElephant but not to the green one in the logo.
  3. I would like the ability to lock a notebook, such that notes could not be inadvertently added, changed or deleted without going through the additional step of first unlocking. The notebook could always be unlocked if changes were desired and re-locked afterward, and a notebook could be locked for a period of time and then unlocked once the need for locking has passed. As an example, if a notebook is being used to hold documents for legal discovery, it could be locked once those documents were handed over to opposing counsel to maintain a record of the files transferred. Another use would be to maintain version control of a set of documents, freezing the notebook contents so that its contents could not be inadvertently altered. Once implemented, search functions could choose whether to include or exclude notebooks with locked content.
  4. I would like a feature that tells me I've already created a note. For example, when I run across an article and clip it to Evernote, why can't it do a quick search and let me know if I've already done so? Right now I have to take the step of searching my notes to see if it's already there. In line with this, I would like a feature which finds duplicate notes so I can join or remove them. It doesn't have to do it for me, just point them out so I can get rid of any double entries. Thanks.
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