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Everything posted by RWZero

  1. Right, I forgot that I have that feature now. I found the exact time when it happened. But it doesn't explain why. All I can see is that the old version suddenly overwrites the new one at a specific time, without any explanation. Now that you've reminded me about this feature, I do suppose in the future if this happened I could use the note history to fix it, but I'd rather not have to.
  2. I have experienced a simple but serious problem. The note that I update most often is on my Windows desktop. Just today, I opened Evernote on a separate laptop. The laptop displayed a version of the note that was over 3 days old. When I checked the web version, and even checked back on my Windows machine, the old note had overwritten the most recent version. This cannot be human error, since the note was 3 full days behind in updates. It can't be forgetting to sync because it syncs all the time and the newest version actually disappeared (rather than appear as a conflicting change). What is going on?
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