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Posts posted by akubird

  1. Version 10.73.3-mac

    macOS Ventura Version 13.4.1 (c)

    Everything is slow. Search is slow, typing is slow, opening notes is slow, creating new notes ... you guessed it - really f'ing slow

    I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this and I'm not sure what to do as this is been going on for about three weeks, and I have continuously been updating my Evernote. 

    Would really appreciate any suggestions or thoughts on this as I am trying not to leave the product, but if this goes on for another handful of weeks, I don't have a choice.

    • Like 1
  2. "i want to be disable all hyperlinks.  I hate when they are created whenever I type a website. I dont want a hyperlink for the majority of websites I am typing in Evernote. I am creating notes and lists for myself and I am accidentally always hitting the hyperlinks thus opening pages to websites I dont wanna open or see.  Takes up time and memory and slows my progress and effectiveness of what I was trying to accomplish with Evernote."


    I want this too, really badly. 

  3. On 1/29/2021 at 4:28 PM, Carpii said:

    I'm really done with Evernote. It's time to admit it's just crappy software. They seem to have no understanding of who their audience is, or how people are trying to use the app. They seem to focus on it being a web clipping and sharing platform, which is a shame because there are already lots of competitors for that. All I want is a note-taking app which syncs across platforms, and isn't plagued by constant usability issues like Evernote is.


    I agree with almost everything here. 

    @EverNotePlease listen to your customers as you could be doing better. 

  4. PinkElephant, thanks for your input. 

    Unfortunately this forum doesn't do anything for users like LatinScribe, Nick Peterson, ABEN and myself. 

    What happens in the software business that I run is that people that work for our company read our forums, social media pages, etc and take that input to figure out what our users want and ultimately make a better product. You MO seems to be to get in the way by plugging the boards with well ... whatever it is you write that perversely makes you feel good. 

    All we want is the         feature.

  5. Thanks PinkElephant. 

    1. The last time I checked Evernote's advice was to post to these threads for support. I was under the impression that they didn't have a proper support line setup like most other software companies.

    2. Multiple posts because I think it's such an asinine problem and I really wanted to make sure they didn't take away that functionality. That kind of action would be a deal breaker for me with the way I use the keyboard. 

    There seem to be a few things lax with the way Evernote releases things and approach to the user experience. I hope they improve, there are a lot of good aspects to the product. 

  6. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    You are the member of a supposedly very small fraction of the EN users.

    This does not mean your request should go unanswered, but your chances of getting a special „mode“ added to EN are IMHO very slim.

    AFAIK EN thinks about making all keyboard shortcuts customizable. Maybe this opens an option to adapt your client the way you would like it to work.

    Thanks for your answer. This would be very smart as I only need a handful or more special shortcuts. 

    Users get sad when functionality is taken away. 

  7. This is a big bummer for the emacs keystroke people among us. 

    What used to happen:

    1. You hit control + k and you would remove all text to the right of the cursor (kill)
    2. Then if you hit control + y it would paste it back on the screen to the right of where you cursor was (yank)

    What happens now:

    #1 above works but #2 doesn't. 

    Again that's a big bummer. Kind of a big take away. Can we please bring it back? 


    Better yet, lets dial in an emacs mode, or a vi/vim mode for those of us that like to minimize usage of the mouse. 


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  8. Keyboard Latency in the new version is way too slow. 

    I'm on a OSX 10.15.7 (Catalina) and have your latest version. 
    You can really see this by getting one of your guys that uses something like vi or emacs to type in both evernote or a terminal version of one of those editors and you'll see a huge difference. 
    My typing errors are way up in your software simply because the brain is having trouble processing this lag time. 
    How can we fix this?
  9. This is long long long overdue. 

    If there is a work around or a way to do this I would love to hear it because I've been pretty frustrated without this feature that is standard in much weaker software. 

    But all in all, I'm very happy with Evernote. 

  10. Hi, how do I get the beta editor in my desktop version? I already like it

    Feature request:
    We need in note hyperlinks where I click on something and then it takes me
    to a different part of the same document. I know I can link to another note
    but I want to be able to link to different parts in the same note, like a
    lot of other people on the forums.

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