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  1. Moto G9 Plus Android 11 Evernote 10.83.0 (1219760) Everything updated. And I have already done your default procedure.
  2. I'm not switching accounts. I'm switching between applications, for example, switching from Evernote to Google Docs, than back to Evernote, than to bank account app, than back to Evernote.
  3. Evernote Android app always close when I switch to another app, even if it's a quick switch. What could I do to avoid this behaviour?
  4. And it is also working at Android app.
  5. It worked! Thanks for the help. Remark: it worked on Web version.
  6. I am trying to put a widget at Evernote Home page which filters like this in a Evernote search syntax: (tag:A OR tag:B) AND notebook:X Which means all notes which are in notebook X and have one of the two stated tags (A or B, which means just A, just B or both A and B).
  7. I already pay Professional access.
  8. Can I put a boolean filter at some widget at Evernote Home page? Web or Android app. For instance: (tag:A OR tag:B) AND notebook:X
  9. Not for me: Without Notes / Notizen or Reminders / Erinnerungen: Tags and more tags without being nested (despite they are in the old web client): Unfotunatelly, I have to type all the tag name (the middle doesn't show anything - see the bottom of the picture): Glad you are listening now!
  10. @Dave-in-Decatur, gee... you really try hard, don't you? At least here I can post, then: - There are some features we lost, like reminders, nested tags, tag search by any part of the name (you will have to remember exactly the beginning of the tag name), speed and others you'll discover. - Another one we lost: you can't quickly filter by notebook name, using a combo selection after you search a note, as you could do in the "old" (but functional) version. - We have to do more clicks to change the notebook of a note than in the "old" version. ... since 3.5 years ago!
  11. @Dave-in-Decatur, it restarted to work for me now.
  12. My problem is the one appointed by the thread. Your solution doesn't work as I stated, cause it's not connected with the problem. Read again the original post. Solve the problem posted there. You are the one trolling this thread.
  13. Evernote actually innovates the concept of user experience. Look at what the Evernote army tries to do in previous messages: they label user feedback as "resistance" and see users who don't give positive feedback as rebels to be fought.
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