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Posts posted by 100WattWalrus

  1. On 6/22/2021 at 1:07 PM, PinkElephant said:

    Yep. Already did that. As mentioned, above, there's no mention of the number of notebooks one can share.

    It says there's a limit of 100 for notebooks shared with you, and there's a limit of 500 for the number of people with whom you can share a notebook.

    It says nothing about a limit of the number of notebooks you can share. And the error I'm receiving when being prevented from doing any sharing at all doesn't say anything about limits. In fact, it says I should "try again in a few days," which is vague, arbitrary, and false, since it's now been longer than "a few days" and I'm still seeing the same error.

  2. I assume when using "Set to width of window" for a table, that means the table with vary in width depending on the window size, but that doesn't happen.

    When I use "Expand Note" (which, by the way, needs a keyboard shortcut in the webapp) to focus on the note, all the text and horizontal rules change to the width of the window, but the tables stay the same.

    If "Set to width of window" isn't supposed to make the tables variable width like the rest of the content, what does it do?

    I use a single-row/single-column tables as color-band headers, so I need them to vary width just like the rest of the content when I change my window size.

  3. On 7/20/2018 at 5:37 AM, CalS said:

    A search for "2018-07-07" will return all instances where 2018 and 07 and 07 are separated by a special character or space since special characters basically become spaces in search.  The one special character that is searchable is the underscore, so if you format your dates as 2018_07_07 you will get the match.

    This kind of is what it is in EN today, with no mention from the company of making any change to the capability.

    The upshot of which is that putting quotes around your search doesn't do what it should do: Search for EXACTLY what's inside the quotes. I don't put quotes around a search to get something kind of like what I'm searching for, but with maybe some different characters. I put quotes around a search because I want exactly that result and only that result. That's the way quoted searches are supposed to work. And as I said, the way Evernote does it literally makes it impossible to search for dates or times in Evernote.

    Just sayin'.

  4. It is currently impossible to do any of the following searches in Evernote:

    1) Searching for ~06 brings up results that include every occurrence of -06 (with a hyphen instead of a tilde) 

    2) Searching for 06: or "06:" (with quotes around it to specify the exact phrase, including the colon) brings up every occurrence of 06 (without the colon)

    3) Searching for "whatever phrase in quotes" (with quotes around it to specify the exact phrase), brings up every occurrence of each separate word


    This makes it impossible to...

    - Search for a date or times (2018-07-07 or 06:30) within the text of notes in Evernote

    - Search for any specific phrase in Evernote


    Apparently Evernote is deliberately designed to ignore any and all punctuation and special characters in searches — which for my usage makes the search 99% useless.

    What on Earth is the reason for this crippling of common search functionality?

    How can we get this fixed?

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  5. On 4/10/2018 at 1:38 PM, DTLow said:

    ...retrieve the classic link...

    I was afraid Evernote wouldn't have a solution to this, but this workaround is brilliant! No wonder you have a "Super Guru" tag. I would never have found that on my own.

    I'll add a little enhancement of my own too: You can paste that link anywhere (not just Safari), then drag it into the Finder and it will form the same kind of shortcut — and if you paste it into a Mail message or into a TextEdit document, it pastes as a hyperlink with the title of the note as the text, so when you drag it to the Finder it's already named (instead of just being called "view/", which is what I get when dragging it from the Safari address bar.

    Cheers! And thanks a ton!

  6. It's nice to have all my notes on various topics in one place, but what I need is a way to have those notes in the Finder on my Mac, filed in the relevant folders.

    For example, I have a finder note that is contact history for my pharmacy, where I make notes about meds ordered, meds picked up, etc. On my computer I also have a Medical History folder, full of paperwork, insurance information, etc. I need a shortcut/alias/symlink in that folder which takes me to my pharmacy contact history in Evernote. How do I create such a Finder shortcut/alias/symlink in Evernote?

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