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Guillaume W.

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Posts posted by Guillaume W.

  1. So you can do every formatting: highlighting, color, font type, font size, etc....  But you can't quickly access "saved" styles / headers / keyboard shortcuts to quickly organize your note ??? 

    Come on...
    I have been using Evernote for years as premium but this drives me nuts...

  2. I am very aware of the bug and have been dealing with it for months. I had applied the above technique on an older macbook back in January and it worked well.

    I bought a new macbook in April and started with a clean sytem. I faced the issue again but decided to give it a chance and wait for an update.

    I install updates very regularly. Right now, I have the latest macOS Serria 10.12.6 (not yet yet high serria though) and the latest evernote version (6.12.3). At least, it's the latest version from the app store. From my perspective, it's all up-to-date.

    I tried to edit a PDF this morning, I faced the issue again. I had been patient enough, so I took the time to tweak and apply this technique that had worked in the past. 

    Unless there is a process to effectively solve the issue, like a fresh install, I don't think this is resolved. Despite the fact that I follow automatic updates, this morning it wasn't working. At least not from my perspective.


  3. On 11/14/2016 at 8:22 PM, Kosterby said:

    This is a technical answer - use at own risk!!!

    Preview will no longer allow you to save documents back into documents which live in the user library folder.

    Evernote stores our documents in /Users/myuseraccount/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/accounts/www.evernote.com - most likely a good design!

    I know my way around the terminal - so this is what you can do:

    • cd /Users/myuseraccount/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/accounts/
    • mv www.evernote.com ~/Documents
    • ln -s ~/Documents/www.evernote.com


    First line moves the terminal into the evernote database folder. Second line moves the database folder to the users document folder. Third line makes a link from the original database folder to the documents folder.

    The result is that Evernote continues to work, and Preview now thinks the files are in the Documents folder (which they are), and allow us to edit them.

    This is not really the right way to do this - But it will work until Apple and Evernote sort out their stuff.



    On 5/11/2017 at 6:48 AM, Kosterby said:

    I just wanted to report that my solution still works. It still allow me to sync across devices, and I have felt no ill effects. 

    I will charge evernote not a single penny to simply do as above - they can get it in writing if they want. 

    In the first line - notice that "myuseraccount" need to be substituted for your username. - or you can write like this instead if you do not know your user account:

    cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.evernote.Evernote/accounts/


    On 6/4/2017 at 8:37 PM, yogik said:

    Btw, this does not work for me.

    Now, I don't know whether that's because I'm on macOS Sierra, the directory is ~/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote/Data/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/accounts, or both.


    On 7/9/2017 at 3:08 PM, oliblue said:

    It doesn't work for me either. 

    I tried both the address given by Kosterby and by you. If I follow Kosterby's instruction I still can't edit the pdfs in Preview, if I move the files in your address Evernote crashes...


    Still works if done accordingly to your setup.

    Here is how I got it to work on my setup (macOS Serria 10.12.6 & Evernote 6.12.3)

    Use it only of your understand what this is doing :)

    My sequence of terminal commands:

    • mkdir ~/Evernote\ Cache
    • cd ~/Library/Containers/
    • mv com.evernote.Evernote ~/Evernote\ Cache
    • ln -s ~/Evernote\ Cache/com.evernote.Evernote



    • Evernote cached directory indeed moved in the last months (I guess Evernote update its app to be sandboxed also, just like it was done for Preview with Serria update)
    • you can't move only a subpart of the sandbox files of evernote but the whole folder (see a hint here). The folder to be moved and symlinked must be ~/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote and not one of it's subfolder. I tried that initially, it's doesn't work.  Don't know the underlying reason though.
    • I created a folder "Evernote Cache" for my home folder to keep it a bit cleaner and more explicit (just my opinion)


    I hope it will help some of you.



    Evernote, this doesn't prevent you for looking for a solution!

    Preview is by far one of the most efficient and fast PDF reader on macOS.

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