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Everything posted by SamuelTremblay

  1. As information for knetic, in this article, there is a description of how to add code block in Windows with auto-formatting: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001758468-Use-auto-formatting This now works even if in the article they say no.
  2. This shortcut should be added in this article: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004807-Keyboard-shortcuts-in-Evernote-for-Windows
  3. I love the way Evernote give a feature in one version and then remove the feature in another one and just say to their user that they just have to do "Shift-Tab". That would be nice to buy a car and at some point, after an update of the firmware of the computer engine, the brake and accelerator would be inversed and the engineering indicating that you just have to push on the accelerator now when you want to stop the car. The least minimum would be a "Sorry" from Evernote to the people that pay for this application and don't forget that is this money that pay for their jobs. Not supprised that so many people goes to Notion.
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