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Posts posted by MBoonie

  1. I'd like to use Evernote in my work environment, but my company has strict rules against placing company data outside the company.  Would it be possible to create an account that never syncs and then run both my personal account and my work account simultaneously on my work laptop?  This would allow me to access both my work and my non-work notes while I'm using my work machine, and then access only my personal data when I'm using my home machine or phone.  Or, let me know if there's a better way to approach this.

  2. In both the Evernote web view and in the Windows app, there seems to be a page-down bug.  If I don't update a note, the page-down works fine -- after I page down, the new top line is the line that was previously a line or two from the bottom.  However, if I make a change to the page (as simple as adding a blank) and then page down, the note scrolls much farther.  I *think* that when multiple changes are made on a screen before paging down, the scrolling is "off" by a larger amount.  It can sometimes be almost two full screens instead of one.  This often causes me to page down then immediately have to page up again to put me where I expect to be.  Can anyone else reproduce this?

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