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Everything posted by Elepaio

  1. @gazumped I'm using Evernote 10.35 (1123791) on my iPhone 12 Pro Max (iOS 15.5). I have the electricity bill in front of me on the table. I open Evernote and click on the "+' icon and then on the camera icon to open the capture mode. Recognition I set on auto and the bill gets captured. But on the next screen, it recognizes the captured photo as business card. Every time I need to then select "Document (black and white)" from the "saving as" drop-down menu. When I do this, the photo somehow also gets "squeezed" - the ratio changes, or some part of the photo gets cropped away. I need to repeat above multiple times, until the photo size does not change after changing "saving as" from business card to document. @PinkElephant I would need to do this every time, which I am doing BTW, and this is annoying. Nowadays, you would assume there is some kind of AI learning, so next time it nows that the document I want to capture (based on format, size, etc.) it is not a business card. But this feature probably doesn't exist.
  2. I'm taking a photo of documents with the same format on a regular base (electricity bills), but everytime Evernote recognized these wrongly as business cards. Is there any way, I can "teach" Evernote, that these are not business cards and I want them saved as documents (color/ black, white)?
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