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Posts posted by UriCai

  1. 7 hours ago, DTLow said:

    In my opinion Evernote shows they care about customers by fixing serious software bugs and continuing to process our data (syncing etc)

    For me, careing about your customers doesn't require the implementation of feature <insert your feature>
    It's sort of like a child telling his mother "If you really loved me, you'd buy me this candy"

    Ok, you're talking about Evernote doing their jobs. If they don't fix the bugs in their software or stop processing their customers data users will eventually migrate to a software that does it.


    On 4/18/2016 at 11:19 AM, elijahisme said:

    Several other note-taking apps have this, but essentially, when the Apple Pencil is connected it is the ONLY input device for drawing and writing. This enables easier scrolling with just one finger (since that finger doesn't write anymore) and also causes less accidental marks with the finger.

    It's not happening or it would've been implemented by now. Maybe it's an Evernote styluses exclusive like with Bamboo writing app. So sad.

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