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About juneloon

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  1. The admin tagged me and said specifically to ping him if any questions, so I gave it a shot. I can't use the web client on Android, not supported. Using it on a desktop defeats the purpose of having a mobile app. I'm trying something else, may open a ticket. Thanks for the suggestion.
  2. Still no relief. Evernote is essentially dead on my Android. Tried pinging an admin (Shane D) per this thread but no reply yet.
  3. It may have just uninstalled the updates as it's still in my list and says “Update," but there was definitely an "uninstall" option in addition to remove updates. Different terms for same thing?
  4. I was able to uninstall following these instructions: https://9to5google.com/2021/03/22/android-apps-crashing-webview/ My wife was having problems with some of her apps and it solved her problem, but no luck for me.
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