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Everything posted by uaknight

  1. I was also searching for this. Whenever I login to Windows, Evernote has launched displaying an empty window. Obviously this comes from the setting 'Launch Evernote at Windows login', which I had turned off. Now I understand that the settings are not yet implemented in the new version and that they obviously uses default values, which in this case sadly is 'on'. Having Evernote launched at startup is unbearable to me (specially since it doesn't manage to sync, displaying an empty window). So could anyone please decribe in detail how to re-install the older version? Or, is there a way to fix this already in Windows (or Evernote's) system files on the computer? Mayby there's a registration key which can be manipulated, or something?
  2. It's solved. I found the desktop version here: http://www.onenote.com/download It's part of Office and called "OneNote 2016". The other OneNote is part of Windows 10 and is called "OneNote". Now the import to Evernote works!
  3. Hi, I've got exactly the same problem. What do you mean by Metro/ModernUI/UWP/name-of-the-day? My version of OneNote looks as "desktop-like" as it can get. Where can I see what kind of version I have? Thanks in advance, Ulf
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