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Posts posted by tim-tam

  1. great stuff. Thanks for sharing this link!!


    It's shocking how evernote disappoints the users by taking away things they are used to for years, instead of offering options. The one and only good thing is that there are now major issues switching back to an older version ... but the entire thing (making things worse) is kinda sick and disappointing ... it is almost a great example for "how to NOT make things..." :-/


    - sorry for my subjective negative attitude - 

  2. too sad. the new evernote blew me away ... for a few seconds, but at the end nothing way better than the beta version.


    imo Evernote has never been sexy, but functional ... like tagging notes, cross-platform availability and offline (killer feature comparing to all other software in this area). basic things were always missing (like different highlighting colour, choosing which picture should be the thumbnail, adding table rows on iOS, multi-level folder etc.).

    but now, jumping from note to note has become slow. i even wonder if the offline availability disappeared.


    Dear Evernote-Team, please never force the user to go to the new version and keep this version above supported as long as possible. I am pretty sure you don't need my few dollars, but please try to remain good and better.

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