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Posts posted by CaseyGray

  1. This is what I sent to Evernote to try to explain how vital the Atlas Feature is to those of us who use it. I was told that it would be taken to the developers and they would let me know if they had any questions, but of course I did not hear anything back. I am hoping that it did get passed on, but in hopes of it being seen by more eyes I am posting it here:
    For the sake of clarity I am going to use the word "Atlas" to refer to the ability to view a map with all your notes locations marked and the ability to see your current location. Thus giving the ability to see what notes are around or are coming up as you travel. With a simple click you can view your note. Atlas is crucial to note organizing because it provides a viewpoint and structure to notes that no other feature in Evernote, or any of Evernote's competitors possess.
    The issue with only being able to view the location within an individual note is that you may not even know you have that note to begin with, especially if it has been years since you made it or visited that place. But looking at a map you can not miss it.
    There are many people that would benefit from Atlas:
    • Realtors- notes for houses that they can see and access based off where they are
    • Contractors- keeping notes about current and future jobs at each job site
    • Door to Door salespeople- notes on clients and orders they see as they pull into the drive
    • Anyone who does house calls (nurses, electricians, plumbers, etc)- notes related to jobs...or reminders for the next time they have to visit the house
    • Reporters- keeping the notes of interviews and marking places to return to
    • Photographers- marking places that are great for photos that they want to return to with notes and pictures
    • Anyone who has a service route (delivery people, suppliers, etc.)- so they can include notes that they may forget- i.e. "always use the side door here" "beware of dog", etc.
    • Business travelers- wanting to mark location of a great place to entertain clients, or notes on locations of places that they will forget by the time that they get back there
    • Teachers- taking student on a field trips- ex. notes about the memorials in Washington DC, they can just pull up with the click of a button at each memorial
    • Housecleaning services- notes about the preferences of the home and times they are available
    • Restaurant(or anything) Reviewers- tracking which places they have been and where they want to go next
    • Business with several branches in one city easily seeing all of them on a map
    • Anyone planning a vacation- having notes of places they want to visit in a city and they can easily see what is around them at any given time that they wanted to do. Or marking favorite spots for the next vacation
    • Any profession where someone travels a lot- it may be 4 years before you get back to the same city and it would be great if all your notes were marked so you could easily look and see your notes about from your last trip (especially since you probably don't even remember what places or notes you took)
    • Community organizers/Volunteers -easily seeing where all the locations or supplies are located, send notes of things to accomplish with locations
    • Political organizers- marking out rallies and offices that you can look at and see where you have a connection, or do I know anyone in ____?
    • Truckers- tracking good places to stop and rest along the way, notes concerning roads that do not allow tractor trailers, etc.
    • Anyone who shops- having shopping lists, coupons, receipts, notes about stores- you can pull it all up when you arrive at the store
    • Relief workers- notes with needs and locations to return to and bring aid
    • Fitness- leaving notes of good running spots or workout places around to share with groups
    • Neighborhood watch- making notes on trouble areas or things to watch for
    • Tour Directors/Guides- This is my job, and I list it last because I know that it is a niche market (Though as I mentioned I will be doing Tech Training for 600 tour directors from all over the world next week, and they would all be potential new members of Evernote and then go back and tell their companies about this great product if there was an Atlas feature). The reason that it is vital for me is that I travel all over the world leading trips and giving commentary. My commentary and general notes (location of rest rooms, parking places, where to eat, hotel details,etc) for these places are in Evernote. I may lead a trip to one location and not return for 5 years. So when I return I do not even remember what places I have notes for, so looking at the map I can easily see what I have and click to get to my notes. Going down the highway I may have a note about an area that we pass by, or about some structure we will see. With the Atlas feature I can see it coming and click on it with ease and then back to the map for the next pin. Without the Atlas feature I don't even know I have the note. Even if I do remember I don't have time to quickly look up the note when I see the building ...it is passed by the time I pull it up. A great example is when I do a city tour, I have notes all over the city. I never know the specific order we will see locations due to traffic and timing and different routes (this is why I can't simply use hyperlinks of notes to connect them).  With Atlas I am simply tapping on the screen as things are coming up and people don't even notice that I glance down to get the highlights and go on with the tour. Since Evernote took away Atlas I literally have had countless times that I could not get to notes in time or I did not even realize that I had notes on something because I could not see it on the map. This is especially true when sharing notes (and this would apply to all other businesses)- If someone did not create the note they may not even know to look for it. For example if I send them my notebook on San Francisco, yes they can look through all of the titles and notes. However, when they are actually out and about working they can not stop at each site or attraction and look through all the notes to see if there is something about that location. With Atlas it is a look and a click. Simple, effective, vital. So much of that usefulness is transferable to the people I listed and so many more.
    This is even just focusing on the individual, it is easy to see the major benefit for companies to have their employees have this as an option when sharing notes and viewing notes. 
    What I am asking for is just the simple Atlas back, seeing pins on a map with my location. But if you really want to take advantage of this vital part of note organizing it would be great if you aimed to add the ability to change the color of the pin (maybe based on tags, or simply by notebooks) so that there could be some distinction between them. Also make it easier to change a location than having to go into Google maps look it up and copy and paste the coordinates. Again to be clear, just the basics will more than enough to set Evernote apart from anything that is out there. I believe that if people really knew the benefit of Atlas and how to use it to simplify their work flow, you would have a lot more users and it would be a selling point for the service. 
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  2. I built my database with the sole purpose of the Atlas feature. It is vital for my job to know where my notes are in relation to where I am currently. It is a feature that set Evernote apart and one that I know more people would use once they discovered the myriad of benefits. I have suffered professionally because of this loss of functionality. Please bring back evernote for android. Im not even asking asking for improvements just return it excactly as it was!

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