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About gabrielecaredda

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  1. I am writing this after the new evernote event feature, that allows to create an internal calendar event without having to create it first in google calendar or outlook calendar. I also read that soon there will be an option to create google calendar events from evernote and it's awesome, and I'm sure you are also working on other features. But I would like to share some that maybe you are not working on and I hope you will make available: -creating an event when I am entering it as attachment: if I am in a note and I want to attach an event, I have to select one that I already created in the calendar page, and it would be useful to have a "create new event" button. -highlighted days with an event in monthly view: I use Evernote to have a comprehensive view of my notes across all notebooks, also by the time they were created to see what happened in that period, so instead of selecting each day to see if there is an event, a small icon like a dot or the number of the day highlighted would be useful -duplicate event: this is one of the features already present in google calendar. I work part-time with shifts made on a weekly basis and each friday I duplicate the most recent event for the upcoming days that might be different from the previous week. -set event for the day of the creation of the date: yesterday I digitized some notes from a class I had last week. I did not create the event in google calendar. I would like to simply enter the note, select "insert event", then "create new event" and have a side button that suggests the day those notes where taken. -easier "change creation date" button: related to the above request, I often change the creation date of a note so I have everything in chronological order related to when that thing happened, not when I created the note. It's not even possible on Android but it's a "meta" adjustment I don't have to make on the go. Since it's also possible to change the creation date into a date in the future, the notes list set by creation date turns into a planner and I have my upcoming events always on top. I know this last one is not a specific request, I'm just saying it's a small metadata that actually improves the overall organization.
  2. Thank you for your reply. I'm just asking to be able to read a note saved on EN on my e-ink device. I don't know who pink elephant is, if it's one person or an account shared by many people at EN, but this time they clearly didn't know what they were talking about. I wrote this before EN got bought by Bending Spoons so maybe they will reconsider. I read that there is an app called Readwise Reader whose founder is interested in the e-ink market. Sadly, I found out they can read anything you save there with no privacy whatsoever.
  3. The thing I like about tasks in Evernote compared to any other (google tasks, etc.) is that the task is integrated into a note that I can use for a project, be it a job application, a school exam, a medical treatment etc. so I have many things to do and I need to know when I have completed them. When I mark the task as done it goes grey and inactive, but I lose the important information of when it was completed.
  4. While Android has Jotterpad that apart from the typewriter scrolling has nothing different from other better apps, on windows you have WriteMonkey that is a true gem, if you bother to take time to learn how to use it. Not unlike Evernote. But I'm here as well because I wish I could write on EN while looking at the centre of the screen as well.
  5. That is why I am asking them to consider a compatible version, perhaps read-only, so I can review my notes on the SN.
  6. As soon as I discovered now the tasks can be made to be recurring, I added a lot of things I have to do regularly in various areas of my life, such as admin, finance, and habits. It made a long list pretty quickly. The tasks window in the Home Page, next to the Calendar, makes a nice-looking dashboard to get an idea of what I have to do in the immediate future. However, the Google Calendar integration as it is shows only a single day. Would it be possible to have all events on a list such as the Agenda view on Google Calendar? And since the tasks sorted by deadline are a sort of agenda by themselves, why not be able to have both of them in chronological order?
  7. I got tired of having Google Fit just for the weight data and its graph, since I don't use anything else it has to offer. I realized I can accomplish the same thing with Excel or Sheets, it's extremely easy, but I always try to bring everything to Evernote and make it the centre of my life in terms of goal setting and recording and I prefer to have it directly inside the note and not in a Drive link that works only when online. It would be great to be able to create a note to pin on the home page and just enter the data so I have automatically the graph showing me the progress.
  8. I have a SuperNote A5X and it looks like a device made by Evernote from an alternate dimension where they chose a slightly different path. Because it allows me to get focused on what I have to read, write or jot down. And it's an e-ink device which allows me to spend less time on backlit screens. It's on Android so it can run apps. At the moment the only one available is Kindle, and it's the reason I discovered it, because I was looking for something bigger than the Paperwhite to read on. However, I'm not sure the Evernote Android app as it is would work on it. The e-ink screen might require less animations and a slightly different UI. I strongly suggest you contact them and see if you can twitch Evernote to be perfectly compatible on the Supernote and make it the best productivity device ever.
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