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  1. Was about to open a new topic for this but found this existing topic, which isn't closed yet, so I'll reply here. o/ Just came across this issue that I have kinda long note with 3 major parts that would make sense to just hide in a Spoiler to open whenever I need to check or edit, instead of scrolling for long. Seems more convenient to me than have 3 random notes lying around in my Notebook that I link to.. Since the main workarounds currently are either: Make separate notes and link to them in the current note Enclose them in encrypted text, which requires you to type password everytime and doesn't even work in browser view So yes, please, we need this feature. This has been a topic, ages ago already, unfortunately closed: @Silent1380 Like in the linked topic above you might wanna edit/adjust the title, to something more clear like: "Add spoilers to hide content within note" or so. Could help others find this topic too :)
  2. Since the update im having trouble when scrolling through and updating notes that often the auto scroll activates, because if I want to scroll back up (tap and hold and swipe downwards) but start the tap too far at the lower rim of the note, so it starts scrolling down. Also because sometimes it recognizes is as auto scroll and sometimes as normal swipe this whole behavior become very glitchy and choppy. Attached a clip showing the issue. I'd rather deactivate this "feature" since I can easily fast scroll with a fast swipe. I don't need that weird auto scroll at all. 20210917_174322.mp4
  3. I've seen a similar request in the IOS section, not sure if it's the same issue, but it seems like it: Ever since the update I constantly keep on accidently closing the notes that I just want to scroll down on. It's way too sensitive and I'd rather use the back button or have the swipe sensitivity at least on the very left side of the screen than on the whole screen.
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