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Posts posted by aksiksi

  1. On 8/25/2016 at 4:56 AM, davidgerva said:

    Hi everyone!
    I'm creating a little python application you can use to backup your entire evernote.

    Basically it opens a little dialog with all your notebooks, ask yuo for a local directory and
    you can choose wich notebooks to exports. The application will create a directory with the notebook title,
    an md file for every note in that directory and if the notes has attachments the app will create a directory with
    all the attachments inside it. This dir will have the name of the note.

    I would like to hear your opinions:
    1- do you think it could be a useful application? It is for me, but I don't know if someone else could find it useful.
    2- do you know if there is already something around doing quite the same things?
    and, maybe for the future, if you want to try it, let me know!
    Thank you!

    Dude... I've been planning to create exactly the same thing, but I was thinking of making it an online app. Structured export to Markdown or PDF. Free for < x notes/notebooks, but $$$ for larger users.

    Just like you, my main concern is how many people are actually interested in something like this? The main target for such a service would be people who are dissatisfied with Evernote and would like to manage their notes manually, so you'd need to somehow figure out how large of an audience that actually is.

    What do you think about teaming up on this, at least for discussion and ideas? As for implementation, I was initially going to write it in Scala, but I'm fine with Python too.

    PM me if you're interested and we can chat further on FB or Hangouts.


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