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Posts posted by mrlsanganeria

  1. 3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    You can bang your head against the wall, wait until it disappears, or use the door 3m to the left.

    To me it seems you currently try the wall.

    What I propose from one user to another is a workaround. To ask for a solution use the clients feedback function or issue a support ticket.

    P.S. The web client isn’t all that terrible, in fact it is nearly on feature parity with the installed app.

    We all can see everytime you suggest the same things. but everyone wants this . we have our own judgements . and so many people are posting on this forum , imagine how many more users actually want multiple tabs features.
    Using multiple instances on browser is not the same. the page reloads etc and doest stay the same. i may want to come back to a tab after maybe 6 hours, most times a few mintues. Its about the workflow. But you are having such a FIXED mind about it . Try to see what we want. If it were actually same we wouldn't have spent our precious time to come here and post.
    It also seems you are from the evernote team, stop being arrogant and actually LISTEN to us. 
    and stop suggesting web alternative all the time. you are the one who is banging your head on the wall. Your point is good but stop forcing this solution to everyone who is posting here to use browser.

    PS = evernote is brilliant. and their recent development and pace and features are Super impressive.
    This is just about MUltiple-tabs and all of us here raising our rightful request for it in this forum , the same purpose it is built for. So if you can support our request please help us ottherwise you can stop replying here if you just want to defend againt this feature all the time. We will not be convinced. 

  2. I am a heavy user (Evernote for Mac)who just wants the new editor experience, Please help me answer a few of my questions = 

    1. Is it possible to be able to use both the Mac app as well as this beta simultaneously on the same mac?
    2. How buggy is this beta?
    3. What is the probability of losing my notes?
    4. What is the probability of losing the formatting of my notes?
    5. When is the next beta expected?


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