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Posts posted by marktristan

  1. Just wanted to +1 this as I also make code notes and get frustrated with Evernote over it, and want to add the following: 

    a) Using a convention like ` (backtick) to surround code blocks (in typed notes of course) would save a lot of faff with, as OP mentions, selecting text then changing the font

    b) What's really, hideously annoying is that the Windows and Mac clients don't have a monospaced font in common!  Ugh!!  This means that

    • text formatted in Courier or Consolas on Windows shows up in Helvetica on Mac
    • vice versa: text in Andale Mono on Mac shows up as Arial on Windows

    Monospace is monospace for a reason; it doesn't really matter which typeface, just please find a way not to convert text from mono- to non-monospaced font, it's so annoying.


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