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Vitor Amorim

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Everything posted by Vitor Amorim

  1. Hi! I mostly use Evernote in Windows desktop and although new version 10 is more fancy, not being able to edit webclip (HTML) notes is a major setback for me! I'm evaluating downgrade to previous version and when it's no longer supported I will evaluate other alternatives to Evernote. Although webclip feature is simply amazing and the best I have ever seen, I regularly need to add some text/remarks in the middle of the webclips. Usually, simplifying the webclip "kills" its formatting, images are lost and the note is nowhere as usefull as before... If it was possible to export the webclips to allow full editing in another app (for example, Microsoft Word) it could help a lot (maybe I could edit the webclip outside of Evernote and then replace the content with the edited one without losing any formatting). I once was a paid user hopping that editing capabilities could improve in new versions but unfortunately what I see is just the opposite. One thing is for sure, I'm not returning to being a paid user if webclip editing is not possible. Please add it back! Thank you, best regards!
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