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Posts posted by deyo246

  1. +1 reporting for excessive RAM usage on V10.8.4. (didn't shut down laptop in 3 days at least, only sleep, chrome for reference on screenshot)

    After app restart, numbers return to around 330 MB. It seems that a specific action(like PDF preview or closing laptop lid at the end of day)  makes Evernote go crazy and cause high RAM usage on laptop re-login. 


    10.8.4-win-ddl-public (2349)
    Editor: v118.1.15148
    Service: v1.28.1





  2. 2 hours ago, Mike P said:

    This has been recorded elsewhere and has been a problem for some time. Merging notes containing pdfs can also remove the pdfs so I think it may be a general issue with notes containing attachments.

    Given that merging can lead to loss of data I am very surprised that EN have not given fixing this greater priority.

    I did successfully merged a note with 4 pictures and a note with some text, and the new note was there full of pictures, but suddenly they disappeared! seems the sync breaks stuff and loses data

  3. noticed right now that Evernote Windows client, when merging notes containing old, v6 created print screens and/or pictures, the merge operation deletes some of them screenshots/pictures

    right now, tried that with newly created printscreens (ctrl+alt+s) and copy/pasting some windows screenshots in some notes, and it works as intended.

    But when I tried to merge notes with old printscreens (created in v6) got something as attached on picture (highlighted in greenwhat should be the screenshots?)


    • Like 2
  4. The tags-menu (ctrl+alt+t) seems ok, IT EVEN STARTS WITH THE CURSOR ACTIVATED. 

    shame that when selecting multiple notes, then adding tags, the cursor is not activated. 

    the arrows to select tags are working, but pressing return or Enter does absolutely nothing. 

    They really want us to jump from keyboard to mouse to keyboard again!

    Evernote complaining that a small number of people is using tags: yes, the whole process of adding tags and managing tags is PITA

  5. Hi,

    please look into this, it's a "hiccup" in the note moving UX

    1. You have a note, and you move it using the "move note" button
    2. You add the notebook name, and it goes there - OK!
    3. the blue info bar (if the note/notebook name is long enough) covers the current previewed note location and the move button.

    love this new design! cheers


  6. Hi all, 

    the idea is the following - to unify the tag adding and searching experience (this post is Windows, web and iOS only), so that any string of text can add or search the wanted tag on any platform

    Example - to add or search the following tag: "WP-add drive motor to CAD model"

    At this moment

    • Windows v10 ADD - app will offer to add the wanted tag only if the input matches exactly character after character (but is not case sensitive), that is "WP-add drive motor to CAD model"
    • Windows v10 SEARCH - app will offer to select the wanted tag if typing onto search bar any of the following: "drive", "motor", "CAD"
      • app will suggest also the "universal_joint" tag as filter in the search dropdown 
    • iOS ADD - app will offer to add the wanted tag if searching (inside the add tag menu) for any of the words in the example tag, that is "drive", "unit" also it is not case sensitive.
      • no "universal_joint" tag visible
    • iOS SEARCH- app will offer to select the wanted tag if typing onto search bar any of the following: "drive", "motor", "CAD"
      • app will suggest also the "universal_joint" tag as filter in the search dropdown 
    • Windows v6.25 ADD - app will offer to add the wanted tag only if the input matches exactly character after character (but is not case sensitive), that is "WP-add drive motor to CAD model"
    • Windows v6.25 SEARCH - app will offer to select the wanted tag if typing onto search bar any of the following: "drive", "motor", "CAD"
      • no "universal_joint" tag visible

    Notebooks ADD and SEARCH - whole different story, if I recall correctly, any string of text finds the wanted notebook in any operation. 

    In my experience, tags are underrated, and have almost unlimited flexibility (that I need at this moment of tumble rumble in work/personal).

    If anyone has a suggestion how to manage multiple mechanical engineering projects using Evernote and some sort of GTD, please feel free to share. Thank you in advance.

  7. Hi all, 

    sorry if there is existing similar posts and/or ideas, I did a search on the forum but found nothing - if someone finds something, pls forward so we can vote. 

    : to have the notebook name styles synced between platforms.
    It is a significant visual clue when scrolling. 



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