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Everything posted by cullenmarriott

  1. OK, so there's a bit of a workaround to this problem that might help ease some of your issues, it just requires a more advanced search query. Here's what you could do: Add a new tag called: archive (or name it whatever you'd like to call it, this tag will just act as a flag for our archived notes). Now comes the search magic! Evernote has a feature built into its query system where you can exclude tags by using the following: -tag:TheTagIDontWantToSee So, if you would like to search for a particular tag without searching archived notes, you can structure a query similar to the one below and place it in the search bar within Evernote: tag:whatevertagimsearcing -tag:archive Also, if you'd rather search for a word or string instead of a tag, you could use the query below: -tag:archive String I'm searching You could even tie it all together so that you could search a certain word or string, with a certain tag, that excludes the archive tag (see attached screenshot): tag:whatevertagimsearcing -tag:archive Hello World There are lots of search options, I hope this helps you guys out!
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