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Posts posted by SMcCandlish

  1. Using Mac version, v7.14.  The Link tool (insert a Web link around selected text, by doing ctrl-click or right-click on selected text and picking Link > Add... from the context menu) will not allow you to press "OK" after entering a URL under "Enter web address for this link" unless it starts with http:// or https://  or ftp:// from what I can tell.  There's an endless number of arbitrary URL/URI strings, so this feature should accept anything that begins with any alphanumeric character string followed by : then followed by any other character string. That is, even a:b or c:? or d://e or f:/// are all valid formats for these things, though of course real ones tend to be more complex, e.g. mailto:foo@bar.com, magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5c79de6c4e3..., https://eff.org, file:///path/filename.ext, and so on. (if it turns out to not be a working link in the end, that's user error and not Evernote's problem. That's determined by OS configuration and sometimes by intervening URL interpreter extensions that have nothing to do with Evernote in particular. There are utilities that let people create new local ones to suit their needs).  As it is right now, this feature in Evernote is just severely broken.  The only workaround I can think of is to create the linked text in a more capable editor, then copy-paste it, with formatting, into Evernote. It may be the only time, really, that Evernote's inability to paste plain/stripped ASCII text is actually a plus.

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