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About kenk514

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  1. Awww, that's a shame. Skitch was awesome. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm looking at Cleanshot. If that's not the solution, i'll give Shottr a try. Cheers
  2. Hello, I just bought a new Macbook pro and did a clean install. I'd like to add Skitch to my apps but can't find it in the App sore or on the Evernote site. Is there a way to install Skitch on my new mac? It was working quite well on my last laptop. Thank you.
  3. I'm using the task reminder feature in Evernote to create essential reminders so that I may follow up on specific tasks. The reminders show up nicely; however, when I click on them, they disappear, and I'm not linked to the relevant note where the task resides. I'm using a Mac studio, Ventura 13.4.1 10.76.2-mac-ddl-public (20240214093250) Editor: v176.53.0 Service: v1.92.0 Up to date with the latest version of Evernote. Is there a way to ensure that the associated note is opened in Evernote when I click the notifications on my screen? This would be so very helpful. Thank you.
  4. THANK YOU! I am feeling sheepish now. I appreciate you taking the time to guide me through this. Have a fantastic day.
  5. You are correct. If my tone was aggressive, I apologize. I was not having a good day when I wrote this.
  6. Is this issue ever going to be addressed? It is incredibly frustrating not to have the option to use checkboxes that WILL NOT STRIKETHROUGH TEXT on checked items. Plus, having checkboxes AUTOMATICALLY get converted to checklists is making checkboxes utterly useless as a feature. For years, users have been begging for a fix to this issue, but we are met with silence from the devs at Evernote. I can't even log in to the support site to open a ticket for several bugs I have found. So disappointed with the Evenote team that obviously does not care about paying customers.
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