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Everything posted by McCouszinsky

  1. I would love to see colours as an option to mark notebooks, tags, notes. It would help to rapidly identify single items. Cf with MS OneNote. Colours can be such a help.
  2. In the "old" version it was possible to define a font as default for all notes. Now the system defines this and you can no longer change it. Also all of the fonts which were possible have vanished.
  3. As in MS Onenote it would be helpful to be able to colour a notebook so to distinguish it fast in the list.
  4. Any platform I know - and I know most of them - have a much larger variety of fonts. And defining a font as default wouzld even be possible with a small selection of fonts. Cannot understand why you develop back instead of forward ...
  5. With the new Evernote I lost all the user individual formatting of my notes. It seems no longer possible to define a default for the notes, including font etc. Any plans to include this option again?
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