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Posts posted by NYCJC

  1. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    You can do the math yourself. It wouldn’t be much below the Teams subscription for the same number of users. Which means probably much above what you are willing to pay.

    This was a pretty authoritative response. Do you happen to have justification details for the current pricing scheme? And I do use "scheme" meaning all senses of the word. It was a much better and more full-featured product 10 years ago - at 1/3 of the price. Cloud storage has gotten more inexpensive over the ensuing years, no?

    10 years later, the product's at a functional standstill (even though there are annoying, full-install Windows upgrades once a week). Core functionality hasn't improved, user feedback is summarily dismissed; any improvements seem to be made in service of the current product owner, rather than its users.

    And before you ask, yes I'm bitter. Long ago, Evernote was a shining example of productivity software done right. Both it's useability and my confidence continues to be eroded year upon year.


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  2. Thank you, agsteele. I had attempted the free option a few years ago and it didn't work for them for some reason. I'll try again with the youngest when her renewal rolls around. I'd considered this, but thank you for indicating it might still be a good idea.

    I will also do as you suggest and send a similar suggestion via feedback.

    Thanks again for responding on the community's behalf.


  3. Good Day,

    I've made this request previously, but will do so again given the new company ownership. I'd like to request a Family Plan subscription be put on offer.


    I've been using Evernote for 13 years consistently. Like many other users I'm frustrated by many things: Increasingly heavy-handed pressure to move to the new client; Android client functionality (specifically, attachment handling which worked perfectly in Legacy); and a lack of (actually useful) feature development. But, honestly, all of these concerns are minor in the scheme of things.

    Above all that, I'm most disappointed with both the tremendous recent price hikes, and the manner in which Bending Spoons chose to communicate them.

    I have, for years, been paying 4 subscriptions - for myself, my spouse and our two children. While I very heavily use Evernote and regularly go through the exercise of justifying my own subscription (I've investigated a half-dozen alternatives since the recent price increase and still see Evernote as best-in-breed for my workflow), none of my family members use a double-digit fraction of the functionality I rely upon. Yet, our usage still requires me to purchase Personal subscriptions for each. A huge annual financial outlay!

    As it is while you have me as a continuing paying user today, this pricing structure has me constantly on the lookout for a cheaper alternative. I would think there is SOME value in having happy customers content to pay their annual fee.

    Please consider adding a Family Plan pricing structure.



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  4. Good Day,

    I'm a longtime Evernote user who currently pays for multiple family member premium plans. It is an exorbitant price to pay each year, even with Evernote's sizable productivity benefits.

    Please consider launching a Family Premium Plan in the near future!

    Thank you for your consideration.


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  5. I've seen numerous other native applications replaced by web technology and rarely has it been a better experience, but I appreciate the clarifications on Electron, I'm not partial to the backend technology for Evernote as the user experience is key. Bullet proof synchronization and search (which has been lacking for me for years) are important to me.

    I've complained (mostly to myself) over many technical and definitely financial issues with Evernote, but I have to admit that not only is my life (both personal and professional) in Evernote, but I've introduced and annually pay for the application for my wife and my children. My eldest daughter started using it in elementary school and it's become a core part of her technical workflow as she heads into college. Even my non-technical wife and her mother use it regularly. I can say that no other application has provided this kind of utility over the years.

    I'm hoping that my use case (core features, not dependent on intricate tagging and organization) puts me in decent stead during the move to the new framework.

    I will say that it behooves Evernote to revisit their pricing structure though. Where is a family premium plan?

    Thanks, all, for your input. I hope Evernote lives on to meet each of your needs.

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  6. Well, I have to say mine was a knee-jerk post after waiting years for some signs of improvements to various shortfalls in the application and observing the company's various restructurings.

    Scanning through the forums now though, I'm concerned about a number of issue reports, primarily the move towards becoming a web app. and the synchronization changes. My first few minutes, though, have been much better than I would have expected. I haven't tested thoroughly by any measure and hope the legacy version remains functional for the foreseeable future (just in case).

    I do believe that an overhaul was necessary and long overdue, I just haven't been involved in the design or feedback of the re-work and can't comment on the actual design direction taken. I can say Evernote is pretty awful about providing specifics with version releases and I've yet to learn anything of use from one of their release notes).

    Time will tell I guess.


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  7. I've been using Evernote consistently for at least 11 years now. The version 10 release is a long overdue change and appears to be finally moving again in a positive direction.

    I''m sure given how many users and their individual behaviors the product supports, you will not be able to please everyone Day One, and I completely expect to find issues as it becomes my everyday driver, but I absolutely think this type of overhaul was required.

    Very stale Evernote (along with it's exorbitant recent price scheme) was being threatened by irrelevancy.

    I hope that you commit to this version and further improvements and that the community gives you the opportunity to do so.


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