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Posts posted by SimonBasil

  1. I finally found a replacement for Evernote Food! Check out the Trip Advisor app! They have a new feature called Travel Timeline and it is actually better than Evernote's platform. You can set it to follow you even with the app closed. It automatically asks you if you are at a certain restaurant and then will automatically add any photos you took there. It doesn't seem to allow much in the way of adding comments but I love it and have started logging all of my restaurant and other experiences there. Worth checking out. And it's free!  The Travel Timeline feature appears to only be available on the iPhone and not iPad  I am not sure about other smart phones. But this is an answer to my prayers since losing Evernote Food.  



  2. hi all,

    we are developing an app to store all your recipes in one place. it has a web clipper and the option to scan and digitize analog recipes.

    at the moment it's only available on iPhone in german (you can also clip from english websites). obviously it's not for tracking restaurant meals or photojournaling. but maybe it can help some of you to organize your recipes.


    Don't need a recipe storage app. 


    One other app, Snapdish, supposedly offers to post to Evernote.  So it could be a workaround, though it doesn't seem to have a restaurant locator.




    Hmm, Flava looks interesting but they charge quite a bit for storage, like $10 for a gigabyte (at least on iOS App Store), though that should cover plenty of meals.


    Also see something called Meal Logger for iOS but it doesn't have purchase options for storage.  I would think though that if people upload a lot of photos and it eats up storage, they will put a stop or go out of business.


    It might be possible to use Evernote to take pics and upload meals but no built-in restaurant identification and no filters for the photos.  I always like using the boost filter.



    Photo journaling of restaurant meals is fairly widespread.  So what else are people using?  Probably Facebook and Instagram and other social networking apps. just to have some pics of dishes on their timelines as opposed to saving meals?


    Problem with FB and Instagram, which I haven't used, is that once your timeline scrolls past, you can't go back and see those older pics right?


     Snapdish and other apps out there are geared towards sharing, liking recipes, etc.  and there are tons of  other similar apps and meal loggers that are geared towards dieting and inspiration and timeline sharing  instead of capturing memories.   am not interested in those apps so much;  If I want to post pictures of food for social media I can just use Instagram, FB - etc.     (there's also tons of food photo filters out there if that's something you like)


    But for me -- the whole point of Evernote Food was keeping memories (for me/not social) organized. On social media/other apps... it's just all crowded in there with other content on a timeline view that doesn't let you easily recall what you want to see.     The beauty of Food was that you could easily tag/geotag with restaurants and recall other food memories all in one easy to navigate location.


    Flava does unfortunately have a limited amount of storage


    Agree with you Willbe. Don't want dieting and inspiration but to preserve my memories and not publicly post them. I have been using it as a journal of sorts and enjoy the ability to quickly search a particular restaurant and see what I had the last time. This is such a tragedy.

  4. Hm, photojournaling is out of our scope, but we envision ourselves as a food management platform where you can find, save, and eventually add notes (particularly for restaurants) to track the food you eat, whether on the meal planner for nutritional purposes or simply within your profile so you don't buy the same dark chocolate bar that you tried and didn't really like several months ago but since forgot about (am I the only one with this problem?!) The same would absolutely apply to restaurants once we get there. I'll be keeping all these features you're missing in mind :)

    Photojournaling is a must. But appreciate you reaching out to us with another option. Thanks.


    We suggest giving Web Clipper a try to collect recipes and cooking inspirations. Evernote is a great place to capture your favorite meal experiences.  Also, check out our App Center Food Collection which also features Evernote-integrated food-centric apps that you might like.


    Your recipe clippings should be editable in Evernote, but the meal and restaurant notes are locked. We are taking note of your feedback and will definitely take it into consideration moving forward. 


    I agree with the others..  the list of apps suggested aren't useful because the core features of Evernote Food and why people used it was not because of the recipes (there's lots of apps to clip and save recipes) but because of the organisation, geolocation of restaurant info and photos.     Evernote itself can tag location in photos but it doesn't it in a useful way and you can look for nearby restaurants, etc.


    Also, was "IF (IFTTT - if this then that)"  included on the list because the word "recipe"  was in the description?  I can't think of how that app would be useful at all for the Evernote Food functions unless people wanted to save recipes to Evernote from Pocket or something. 


    I agree. It's not about the recipe feature, but rather to keep track of restaurant experiences with the geolocation, restaurant info and ease in photo capturing. This is my FAVORITE APP and I am just crushed it's going away. Bad call Evernote. I use Evernote for everything and I am very disappointed to say the least.

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