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About lborgman

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  1. So far Evernote has not answered positively to any accessibility request as far as I know.
  2. This is a disability question. And Evernote does not seem to care.
  3. Now and then I am thinking of releasing my own version. I used it for a while, but dropped it because of lack of time. Evernote, can you please just fix this?
  4. So that comment did get 4,570 likes at the moment. And the thread still just has a few... o.O
  5. As far as I can see this is still not fixed. This is very troublesome in many ways. First the practical thing, the direct consequences of not being able to change font size when viewing. It means for me I can only read my notes conveniently when conditions are good. (Light, I should not be too tired. Etc.) Second, it makes me worry about the future of Evernote. Fixing this is rather easy from a programmers view. Why is it not fixed? Does this mean that Evernote does not have the resources to do it? Could this mean Evernote could crash just like many other IT-companies offering free services? It would indeed be much trouble for me if the Evernote company crashed. I myself switched to Evernote from my homegrown browser-based software doing similar things. I did this because I wanted to spend more time with what I am interested in. Should I take up this programming again? Crowd source? Etc. PS: I am on Android.
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