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Everything posted by neuroticnerd

  1. In addition to what others have previously said, mappable key bindings would be a huge plus, or at the very least forcing evernote to respect the OS keybindings. I am a software developer and our company gives developers macbook pros to write code on... however I have a mechanical keyboard I use since its much nicer to actually type on; that keyboard has the normal windows layout so I've swapped most of the modifier keys in OS X (in the built-in system settings, no 3rd party app) to better resemble what the Mac layout is. It is very frustrating to hit ALT+SHIFT+<arrow key> (which is mapped to the mac CMD+SHIFT+<arrow key>) to highlight the line I'm on but just have it jump to the end of the word instead. This is true of several other very common operations that use modifier keys as well (copy/paste, word highlighting, jumping to beginning/end of a word or line). While I grew up on windows and know the shortcuts to perform those operations, its really annoying to write some code with the mac bindings, then go into evernote to write something down and have to use a completely different set of shortcuts since it doesn't seem to use the OS mapping. EDIT: as I saw another user mention, Markdown syntax support would be AMAZING! I already use Markdown/RestructuredText for documentation and code comments, and I've gotten used to using it for basically anything else I write as well; I haven't touched RTF/.doc in years, plain text FTW!
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